English Alive Show 1°, 2° y 3° básico
3 de December 2015
Spectacular English Alive shows took place in our school during the first week of November. English was expressed through different children movies representations and cultural topics performances, combining acting, scenography and music. Students practiced during October their oral presentations being evaluated in pronunciation, group work, fluency, intonation, expression and other aspects, which helped them improve their language management and oral skills.
Parents also participated in this activity, helping the children learn their phrases and prepare their costumes. They also attended the shows to see their children`s presentations and, we know they enjoyed the show and felt very proud of their sons and daughters.
Congratulations to all our students, we hope you have enjoyed the process as well as the final presentation, and thank you parents for supporting this kind of activities!
Congratulations dear students
Your teachers,
Karla Reyes and Patrick Sandoval